
Sunday, August, 9, 2009

Climate Change as a Threat to U.S. Security

Filed under: news, politics — mete23 @ 6:27 am


Image via N.Y. Times

Today’s front page of the N.Y. Times: Climate Change Seen as Threat to U.S. Security.

So now we will start paying attention to what the scientists have been saying all along because it will interfere with our nation’s concerns and interests.

“Such climate-induced crises could topple governments, feed terrorist movements or destabilize entire regions, say the analysts, experts at the Pentagon and intelligence agencies who for the first time are taking a serious look at the national security implications of climate change.”

Should have faced the facts sooner. Then again, humanity isn’t inclined to think of others first before the self. Look at what has happened.


  1. Exactly how do you suppose Darfur has anything to do with Global Warming? Sub-Saharan Africa has been suffering from droughts and famine and wars for many years, long before the whole Global Warming issue ever came up, in fact, Africa was suffering from these problems even when the far left, enviromentalists were crying about Global Cooling in the 1970’s and 1980’s.
    It might also interest you to learn the this is not the first time the ice caps have had warming and melting trends, Admiral Byrd reported being able to sail to the North Pole in the early 1900’s. Paleo-climatologists have proven, scientifically, that the earth constantly goes through either warming or cooling cycles, that the “green house gases” increase, not before but, after the warming trend, and that earth’s temperatures are driven more by solar activity than by any carbon dioxide, which is a needed gas to maintain the plant life on this planet (and would lead to the death of all life, plant and animal, if we get rid of it).
    Considering that fact that the Times considers global warming to be a national security risk and terrorists to be merely misunderstood, I don’t think you should give too much credence to the Times, or anything they print. We will all be better off when they go out of business.

    Comment by Dave — Sunday, August, 9, 2009 @ 7:34 am

    • I agree that Sub-Sahara Africa has suffered droughts and famines way before but I think the droughts, which are byproducts of global climate change have exacerbated the deaths in Darfur. That is what Darfur has to do with global climate change.
      I really think you need to get your facts straight about global climate change.
      Percentage of scientists who believe temperatures have risen pre-1800s level: 90%. Percentage who believe that humans contributed to this: 82%. Percentage of climatologists who believe humans played a role: 97%. I do believe that climatologists are experts in this field…are they not? This survey was done by the University of Illinois.
      What newspaper do you read? I don’t think N.Y. Times should go out of business and I think it is one of the most reliable news source out there.

      Comment by mete23 — Wednesday, August, 12, 2009 @ 10:15 am

  2. PWNED!!!

    Comment by Emily — Saturday, August, 15, 2009 @ 2:31 pm

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